Half of SMEs reveal that they calculate their carbon emissions and 60% are setting up strategies to reduce them. These numbers come from a study published on Wednesday 23 February 2022 by the SME Climate HUB and backed by the United Nations.
SMEs care about their carbon emissions! Half of them calculate them and 60% go so far as to look for solutions to reduce their environmental impact. This can be a cause for concern, as two-thirds say they do not have the necessary skills to do so. These numbers come from a study by the SME Climate Hub, supported by the United Nations and published in Stockholm on Wednesday 23 February 2022.
This wish to engage in the climate fight is often marred by the lack of necessary resources. While 4 out of 5 SMEs consider reducing carbon emissions a priority, setting up a precise battle plan is proving more difficult. For those companies that are taking the plunge, 82% are working to reduce energy consumption and waste production, 64% are raising employee awareness and 52% are upgrading their facilities.
Lack of skills, knowledge and resources
63% of SMEs feel that they are lacking the skills and knowledge to start implementing solutions. Companies need help on what to do to get started. A list of tools could be made available to them to get started. Another obstacle for most companies is the lack of funding. 69% of them say that access to external funds is crucial to reducing their carbon emissions in the short term. Only a third of SMEs reportedly received financial support for this.
SMEs, therefore, have a crucial need for funds to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement. With less than 500 employees, they represent 90% of the world's businesses. Reducing their carbon emissions is therefore crucial in the fight against climate change.