Informing others and gaining recognition for the time spent responding... these are the motivations of customers who agree to leave a review at the end of the purchase process, according to a study conducted by Avis Vérifiés on consumer psychology.
Avis Vérifiés, the European review collection specialist, conducted a survey (1) in January 2022 in France among 22,320 consumers to understand their motivations for leaving a review after purchasing a product or service.
Why leave a review?
The great majority of respondents tend to feel that they belong to a community of consumers rather than to a brand. Above all, they want to enlighten their peers (71%), advise them or warn them. Nevertheless, feedback to the brand remains a strong motivation for its customers (58%), whether positive or negative. So for brands, consumer reviews represent a genuine opportunity to engage in conversation with their customers.
Why not respond?
The main constraint to submitting an opinion is the lack of time (average of 53% for all age groups). This is particularly felt by 18-25 year olds (66%) and 26-35 year olds (64%). This propensity is less strong among the over-50s (43%), but they are the ones who feel too much pressure (40%). They nevertheless make the effort to respond when invited (30%).
The excessive demand from consumers clearly appears to be the second biggest barrier to submitting a review. This is the case for 34% of respondents on average. On the other hand, it is less felt by young people (19%) than by the rest of the age groups.
For 10% of respondents (all age groups) the response process appears too cumbersome and 8% are not interested (16% among 18-15 year olds).
What could motivate them to respond more often
One in two respondents recognises that they would be motivated to leave a review if they received some form of recognition from the brand. This is particularly prevalent among the 25-34 (56%) and 35-49 (57%) age groups.
On average, 22% of respondents would like to be able to leave a review from the retailer's customer area and 18% would like a more suitable timeframe.
Young people aged 18-25 preferred to be questioned via WhatsApp, Messenger or SMS (16%) as opposed to those aged over 50 (4%).